ERASMUS+ Project – BEEUC – 2022-1-PT01-KA210-SCH-000082615

Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/12/2024

Name: BE a European Union Citizen (BEEUC)

Main objectives: The BEEUC project has two main goals:

1) raise the awareness of the importance of European Citizenship in persons belonging to regions that generally are outside of the decision centres within our countries – inclusion and diversity across intercultural and intergenerational fields; 

2) Promote European citizenship with the help of the different countries art forms (music, dance, band,…) – European identity, citizenship and values;

European Union is going in last years through a complex process of choices and demands, and this leads all of us to wonder what is EU for us, the ones that live in the outskirts of the primary decision spots of each EU member country. These people are the ones that need to feel and show the impact of the EU in their lives — presenting the importance of belonging to the EU. The consortium has been constructed upon EU citizens’ who know each other from other activities outside the ERASMUS+ framework. They have contact in a different environment (arts context), knowing their work from a different perspective. Supported by the intentions of kids, youngsters and adults to look each other eyes and discuss the real impact of EU in their lives. The BEEUC project is significant for each group; the EU is part of their existence, and their existing life is also different from each other, yet the problems and hopes are very similar inside the EU. In the end, all the differences are essential and contribute to the true power of the EU, the diversity that makes the EU stronger and united.


Partners: IPG + CMDB Choir Group (Portugal), Patras University + Dance Group (Greece), Klippan Band (Sweden)